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Q&A With the Team!
Jan 10th 2025

A little while back, we asked you to send in your questions about the game, and now we’re happy to share the answers! You sent us over a hundred questions (wow!), and we love seeing the thought and curiosity behind them.

Some topics came up frequently—like clan events and rarities—so we grouped similar questions to provide more detailed answers.

Let’s dive in!

Q: When will new clan events be introduced, or will old ones like Emerald Wars and Sugar Rush return? Many players in my clan are leaving because they find the current clan events boring. The four clan dragons seem useless now, and it would be great to see their powers updated if new events aren't planned. Can we expect some changes to make clan events more engaging?

A: Clans are an important focus on our roadmap. While we currently can't bring back the Emerald Wars or Sugar Rush events due to technical issues, we understand the need for more clan activities—and we feel the same way! Whether this will involve fixing those events, creating new ones, or both is still under discussion. We’re planning a comprehensive review of clans and all related features for the second half of this year, and we’re excited to dive into it!

Q: Will DML ever introduce a full-function chat so we can communicate with friends directly? When will the chat feature be fixed, as it's currently not very active? Additionally, will there be an option to message clan members directly or even chat with potential clan members before they join?

A: Chats aren’t a primary focus for us at the moment, particularly when it comes to global chat. That said, we may look into improving clan chats in the future. Feedback like yours is invaluable in helping us identify what matters most to players—thank you!

Q: What was the reasoning behind removing the Common and Uncommon rarities and renaming the Legendary element to the Fabled element?

A: Let’s start with the idea behind reducing the number of rarities. Our goal was to separate elements from rarities because linking them didn’t make much sense—each element already reflects its uniqueness, so duplicating that in the rarity wasn’t necessary.

We also realized that too many stages of rarity made it harder to understand their differences. With so many steps, it becomes less clear where each dragon fits. That’s why we settled on a more optimal number of rarities that reflect the game’s structure more accurately.

The names also needed improvement. Some names, like "Legendary," overlapped with element names and caused confusion. Renaming the Legendary element to Fabled helped make the system clearer, while other changes aimed to ensure rarities better reflected their roles.

Now, about Common and Uncommon dragons: Common dragons are the ones every player receives during the tutorial, serving as the starting point for everyone. Dragons acquired through activities or breeding are at least Uncommon, and we wanted to highlight this distinction more clearly.

With this improved system, we can now assign any rarity to any dragon. For instance, a Water or Fire dragon could now be Supreme, while an Earth dragon could be Legendary (with stats matching their rarity, of course). While it might feel unusual at first, we believe the new opportunities this brings will be worth it—just wait and see!

Q: Why do dragons that have recently changed rarity still maintain the same gold production per hour, as well as the same breeding and hatching times?

A: Breeding and hatching times for dragons follow a carefully designed curve that balances progression. Adjusting these values too much could disrupt that balance, so we decided to maintain the existing timers.

While we’ve simplified the rarity system, setting the same breeding and hatching times for all dragons of a specific rarity (e.g., Rare dragons) would create a steep difficulty increase early in the game, which we wanted to avoid.

Gold production per hour (Gold/h) is also tied to these timers, among other factors, which is why we’ve left it unchanged.

Instead, we’ve ensured that breeding/hatching timers and Gold/h fit within specific ranges for the new rarities. For example, a Supreme Dragon without Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant elements will still have appropriately increased timers and Gold/h values to match its new rarity.

Q: When will cross-platform functionality be available? How far along are you with this feature? Will the cross-server system connect all players together on a single server? Does this mean I can be anywhere in the world, and my account won’t be affected by regional boundaries such as APA/EUR?

A: We’re excited to share that cross-platform compatibility—a major milestone for us—is now live! This means you can seamlessly play on different devices and compete with friends across various platforms.

It’s important to note that this applies to platforms, not regions, as our regional policies remain unchanged. A tremendous amount of work went into making this happen, and while the transition may not have been flawless for everyone, we sincerely apologize for any issues you may have encountered.

We hope everything is running smoothly now, and we’re happy to see our players more connected than ever. Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the experience!

Q: When will we see a continuation of the battle maps?

A: We plan to add new missions to Nightmare mode, but this requires a significant amount of preparatory work. One key part of the process is increasing dragon level caps, which is already part of our roadmap.

We’ve conducted research and outlined a strategy to make it happen. Expanding game modes and giving players the opportunity to level up their dragons is something we’re excited about, and we look forward to sharing more details as we progress!

Q: Will an alternative to the Bottomless Dungeon be introduced? The dungeon has become quite repetitive, and many players are getting bored with it.

A: We understand that the Dungeon mode can feel repetitive, and we’re always looking for ways to keep things fresh. While Dungeon remains a great activity, you can explore other modes like the Arena, Campaign, and limited-time events for more variety. We’re also actively brainstorming exciting new alternatives and your feedback on the Dungeon experience is invaluable in shaping that future. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Q: When will the Malevolent Dragon be available?

A: We’re so glad to hear your enthusiasm for Malevolent—your dedication to our dragons is truly inspiring and motivates us to give each one the care and attention they deserve! While Malevolent has been waiting for the perfect moment, that moment has finally arrived. You may have seen it featured in the special Black Friday sale, and we’re excited to say we’ll likely see it again in the future. Thanks for your patience and continued support!

Q: Will we have the Paola Dragon and Portia Dragon in the future?

A: Thank you for bringing this up! We hadn’t realized these dragons were missing, but it’s a great suggestion. We’ll keep them in mind for future possibilities. Thanks again for sharing your idea!

Q: I joined the game about 4 years ago, could we have a chance to get older dragons that appeared earlier? It seems like the same dragons from events keep repeating, and it would be great to complete our collections. Will certain older dragons return to Dragolandia? Will there be new breedable dragons in the shop, and will more dragons be available through breeding instead of just event elements?

A: Dragons go through a lifecycle, with breeding being one of the final stages. As time goes on, the number of breedable dragons naturally increases. Throughout the year, we’ll continue to introduce events and features that offer new ways to obtain dragons, including some of the older ones. We want to make sure you have the opportunity to complete your collection and enjoy all the content we have to offer!

Q: Will the Divine dragons make a return in the ongoing storylines of DML?

A: The return of the Divines is something we’ve been considering, and it's on our radar. It’s definitely a possibility for the future—stay tuned for updates!

Q: When will a dragon with Ancient, Plant, and Shadow elements arrive? Currently, the only dragon with this elemental composition is the Hausk dragon.

A: That’s a great question! We’re planning to introduce new combinations of second and third elements among the Ancient Dragons, including some repeats of fan favorites. So, it’s definitely a possibility!

Q: Will we see Oyar again in future events?

A: It's definitely possible if the event featuring Oyar is relaunched. We really value feedback like this, and it helps guide our decisions about bringing back events and dragons. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Q: Why is there still no description for the old boss dragons, clan dragons, and Chronos in the game, especially when purchased boss dragons have a proper description?

A: You raise a great point! While these dragons have a slightly different nature, we agree that adding more lore would be a great way to enrich the game. Thanks for your attention to detail and for sharing your thoughts with us!

Q: What do you think about the Legendary element? While it’s one of the special elements, it also seems to be one of the weakest. Are you planning to buff it in the future? Legendary dragons are quite beautiful, but many feel they’re not as useful.

A: We don’t currently have plans to rework existing elements, but we’re always exploring new ones! In the meantime, you might find the perfect combination of skills and dragon appearance that suits your style. I’d suggest enhancing your Legendary dragon with sigils (since there are no restrictions now!) and pairing it with other dragons for a stronger team. And don’t forget, with their beauty, Legendary dragons can make a great addition to your Dragon Codex!

Q: Why are there so few new dragons with the Reptilian body type being added? In my opinion, it's a great body type, and I don’t understand why there are so few dragons with it in the game.

A: We’re glad you love the Reptilian body shape too! We try to create harmonious combinations, and right now, there are fewer dragons with that body shape. But don’t worry—there will definitely be more in the future!

Q: Is there a possibility of having real-time battles against friends?

A: Real-time battles would be a complex system to implement, especially in an existing game rather than a new one. That said, we are looking into it, and while it's not something we’ll see soon, it’s definitely a possibility down the road!

Q: Would it be possible to add the number of each dragon you have in the 'More' section? It would be much easier than having to go to the 'My Dragons' tab.

A: We’re working on a redesign of the Codex in upcoming updates, which will include improvements to My Dragons, Dragon Info, Collections, and more. We hope these changes will make managing your dragons much more convenient!

Q: Here in the U.S., the events and challenges begin and end in the early hours of the morning, making it hard to sleep while trying to achieve the goals. Is there any chance the start time could be adjusted based on location and time zone?

A: This is a complex issue. On one hand, adjusting event start times to align with the local day seems fair. On the other hand, it could impact leaderboards, as some players might get extra time to catch up, while others might not have that final opportunity to climb. For now, we’re not ready to make changes in this area.

Q: Is it possible to make sigil trinkets easier to obtain? It costs 26,000 trinkets for just one legendary sigil, and we rarely get them from events.

A: We do plan to take a closer look at the sigil system, but for now, we can’t confirm any reworks or balance adjustments. However, it’s possible that the number of ways to obtain trinkets may be increased in the future. Thanks for bringing this up!

Q: Can we get some more Chrono Divine dragons?

A: It's quite possible that we'll introduce more in the relatively near future.

Q: What are your plans for upcoming mega events in 2025 and beyond? We know there are a few more elements for Tyrant events, but Ancient events seem to be winding down. You even introduced a mini-ancient event (Baha’jir event) in the latest update. Are you planning to introduce a new, supreme rarity element with corresponding mega events in 2025?

A: In 2025, we plan to introduce many new smaller activities, as well as a new element. However, it won’t be a mega-event on the scale of Ancient or Tyrant events. There will be new combinations and launches like the Mini-Ancient format—especially since the launch with Bahajir received such positive feedback. We’d also like to point out that Supreme rarity dragons will appear with different elements and in other activities, so their variety will expand—which we think is a great addition! 

Q: Recently, there have been some issues with the events schedule and season collections (e.g., the Olympics season collection featuring 3 old dragons, the Relativity Professor being added only a few hours before the Scientists season collection went live, Brainiac Dragon Delight being postponed indefinitely despite being advertised on social media, etc.). Are you planning to be more consistent in the future, and will there be patch notes for updates and future content?

A: We always aim to communicate upcoming events as clearly and transparently as possible. Our goal is to provide predictability when it comes to obtaining dragons and future events and collections. However, unforeseen circumstances can occur, like with Dragon Delight, which we had to reschedule, and we apologize for the impact this had. We're committed to minimizing such issues in the future.
As for including older dragons in seasonal collections, this is intentional. With the wide variety of amazing dragons in the game, we want to offer players the chance to collect both old and new dragons, while maintaining balance. We hope you enjoy the upcoming seasonal collections!

Q: Are you considering reducing the number of castle reloads or board game reloads to 3 every 8 hours, and if not, why?

A: Right now, this isn’t a high priority, but we do plan to revisit the functionality of some timers in the future. We appreciate the feedback, and it's something we may look into as we continue improving the game.

Q: Any plan to change the 6-hour reset time for Ancient, Divine, and Dungeon? The current format isn’t very friendly for new players.

A: While this isn’t a high priority at the moment, we understand how it can be challenging for newer players. We would like to revisit some timer functionality in the future and explore potential improvements based on player feedback.

Q: Do you think there will be any sort of collaboration with other dragon-based games?

A: We’re exploring the possibility, but we can’t say for certain if it will happen. Collaborations are a two-way process, and they depend on a variety of factors. We’ll keep you updated if anything comes to life!

Q: Unfortunately, the new team doesn’t share any of their plans (even generically) with us, the players, nor do they provide update patch notes anymore. It’s rather depressing, to say the least.

A: You might have noticed that we’ve started releasing patch notes again, and we plan to continue doing so for every update. As for our future plans, we’re currently only able to share short-term schedules, as they remain flexible. We appreciate your feedback and will consider ways to improve communication moving forward!

Q: Do you have plans for any new features for dragon strengthening?

A: There are already several ways in the game to make your dragons stronger, though some of them might be a bit tricky to figure out. New methods of strengthening dragons could appear in the future (have you tried boosting your dragons with the Dragolympus Blessing, by the way?). However, larger-scale updates, such as entirely new systems, will likely come after we simplify some of the existing features.

Q: Now that we know new elements, new dragons, and new events are coming in 2025, what should we expect?

A: A new element is coming very soon, and we truly hope you’ll enjoy it! The strength of this element lies in its uniqueness, and we hope you’ll discover ways to use this dragon to enhance your battle team. As for adjustments to the breeding scope with the introduction of the new element—it does need to be revisited, but not immediately upon its release. This is planned for a bit later, and we’ll be sure to announce it when the time comes. Regarding new events—there are quite a few planned for 2025 as well. You’ll have new ways to obtain dragons, and we're sure you’re going to love them! 

Q: Will we see megabitat parts outside of bundles? The Fairytale Habitat was the only F2P megabitat, which was a reward for the Fairy Tale DOTM collection. It was a great idea to see themed megabitats based on the DOTMs, but now we only receive gems (which don’t feel as valuable) for collections instead. Is it possible to see megabitat parts as rewards for collecting DOTMs again?

A: The Megabitat is considered a very valuable reward! While pieces of the Megabitat may appear as rewards in the future, it's unlikely they’ll be tied to the DOTMs. We appreciate the feedback, and we’re always considering ways to make rewards exciting and meaningful for our players.

Q: Is there a possibility to simplify functions, specifically the seals, which many players find confusing? Many new and even older players struggle with the complexity of the game.

A: We totally understand, and we can relate—some of our new team members also need time to figure out certain systems, which isn’t the experience we aim for. We’re planning to simplify various parts of the game, while still preserving the fun and respecting the achievements of players who’ve mastered them. While we do have system improvements in the works, they won’t all be addressed at once. 

Q: When new events are developed, do you consider whether they are "age-appropriate," i.e., suitable for older players? (For example, the Runner event may not be suitable for everyone.)

A: When designing the game, we keep in mind the diverse range of players—different ages, genders, and playstyles. This diversity makes our work both exciting and challenging. Regarding the Runner mode, we understand it appeals to only part of our audience. Looking ahead, we plan to introduce future mini-games that offer a more balanced pace and should better suit players who prefer calmer activities.

Q: As mentioned about getting food more easily, could there be dragons that produce food instead of gold?

A: You have some great ideas! While there aren’t any plans to change the balance of farms or replace/increase the rewards at this time, we are working on introducing new activities, such as missions in Nightmare mode, where you’ll be able to earn resources. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Q: Could you just delete all the temples from the game? I think it's very annoying that we have to get 5 dragons for level 45 just to level up dragons past level 70. It took me almost a year, and it makes the game frustrating and boring from the beginning.

A: You’ve made a good point—the Temples are a core part of progression, as they’re key to leveling up dragons and generating gold. Unfortunately, we can’t remove them, but we understand how frustrating the current system can feel. While significant changes to this system aren’t on the immediate roadmap, we’re exploring improvements for the future. On a positive note, the Temples for new elements won’t have the same strict requirements as the previous ones. Thank you for sharing your feedback!

Q: I don’t know if I’m the only one, but I have about 16,000 scrolls, 1,300 Dragon Fury, and I’m never going to use them. Could it be possible to use them for something else, like converting them into enchantment trinkets, gold, or something? I would also love it if trainers could help each other more. I’ve got so many extra dragons, gold, and relics, and I’m never going to use them all. What if we could send items to each other?

A: We’re not currently planning a feature like that, but we do see the value in giving players more ways to use their inventory items. Your suggestion really highlights this need, and we’ll definitely think about how we could improve this aspect of the game. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

Q: Did Ancient Dragons exist at one time, such as during the 'First Fire' event? We've seen interactions between two Ancients from different tribes, suggesting that the events dedicated to them might take place in different periods.

A: Ancient Dragons have the strange and fascinating ability to travel through time thanks to their unique Hibernation cycle. For them, it just feels like getting really tired and going to sleep…and they have no idea where or when they’ll wake up! Yamad might lay down for a nap,  and wake up face to face with Polvelez hundreds of years later! I wonder if Ancients will ever learn how to control their Hibernation cycles…?

Q: What were the Ancients called before they became Ancient, for example, during the reign of the Fire tribe?

A: Before humans came along, the only inhabitants of Dragolandia were dragons. They had no name for themselves, because there was nothing else to compare themselves to! When humans arrived in Dragolandia, Ancient Dragons called themselves “scaled”, and called humans “scaleless”. Humans called these beasts “Ancient Dragons” because they had been around for a long time, even before humans showed up…!

Q: As I understand it, during the reign of the Ancient tribes, the world changed significantly. How did these changes happen? And how did the new Ancients come to be?

A: The Ancients are made up of the same stuff as the earth itself. They’re tied deeply to all elements that make up our reality, both earthly and cosmic. Because of this, they have the ability to change the world drastically, whether they mean to or not! They can cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods…periods of intense heat or cold…even simulate the nothingness of outer space. Anything our universe can do, Ancient Dragons can do – and that can make for pretty drastic changes!

Q: Chronos has only appeared in events twice, which seems a bit strange and unfortunate given his potential. Will Chronos continue to appear in future events?

A: Chronos is sooooo powerful that it can be difficult to include him in events :D Chronos can make things super complicated with time travel. Maybe we’ll see an event where we get a peek at Chronos’ daily life…? Otherwise, the less we see Chronos, the better! It means that the world isn’t in too much danger…

Q: Tyrant dragons are artificial creatures, and the question remains: how were they created, and for what purpose?

A: Tyrant Dragons were created by the Tyrants – with their incredible technology, they used tissue samples and energy from Ancient Dragons to create their own lifeforms! Because Tyrant Dragons are made from Ancient Dragon DNA, they are able to effectively fight Ancients…and even defeat them! Fighting Ancient Dragons was their sole purpose (of course, as you can see from Portia’s adventures, not all Tyrant Dragons wanted to fight Ancients…)

Q: What was the motivation of Tyrants to create tyrant dragons and essentially fight ancient dragons?

A: Tensions between Tyrants and Ancient Dragons were high for hundreds of years. Sometimes they would get along, but in some eras Tyrants would subjugate dragons, and in other eras the dragons would subjugate Tyrants! When the Ancient Void Dragons arose and almost ended the world as we know it, the Tyrants knew they needed to do something to curtail the immense power of the Ancients. Tyrants created their Tyrant Dragons so that humanity would never be in danger from Ancient Dragons ever again… This is why Tyrants see dragons as tools or enemies, rather than friends or partners. It’s a complicated history!

Q: When were Tyrant dragons first created, and which Tyrant dragons were the first ones?

A: Tyrant Dragons were created after the “fall” of the Void Ancients, once humanity had a chance to recover from the state of the world. This was a time of relative peace, as most Ancients were Hibernating. Thanks to that, the Tyrants could spend a lot of time engineering their dragons…

Q: Will there be events featuring Ancients and Tyrants set in the present time? I’d love to see interactions between Ancient dragons and Tyrants.

A: That’s a great idea! Right now, Tyrant Dragons are being rescued and rehabilitated by Portia…if Ancient Dragons awaken from Hibernation in present time, maybe they can all get along? …Or duke it out all over again!? We’re sure Arya will show up to be a fantastic mediator between them!

Q: Why are there so few dialogues in the events?

A: It’s wonderful to see your interest in the lore! We have many ideas on how to make the story even deeper. However, we also need to keep in mind that not all players are ready to dive into lengthy narratives. We’re doing our best to strike a balance so that everyone gets what they expect from the game.

Yay, you made it to the end – you're amazing for taking the time to read it all!

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